Sun, Dec 01, 02
From Justin: Properly at home
December 2002
I've only just got home properly, as I went back to the UK this last week to do some recording and to appear on a tv show with Mario Frangoulis (singing Nights live with him). We did the Des and Mel show with Des O'Conner who I have not met up with for years, but now he has a happening, hit show, on ITV. It was a lot of fun, as live tv always is (and it was flattering to be treated like a a star for a while too).
Everyone loved Mario's version of the song. I really, really like his album and it's playing now as I write.
Some of you may know that we had one of the best tours ever this last few weeks. Everyone enjoyed it, business was good (it's always nice to see happy promoters cos then they ask us back), and we all stayed healthy and in good spirits considering it was quite long for a Moodies tour. I want to thank all of you who support us. We have the best fans I ever knew, and we know how lucky we are. We are already being offered a lot of gigs for next year, so it looks like we'll be out again soon.
Now I'm back, trying to catch up with my life, my home, my leaking roof, my pals, my bills and other projects that are winging their way here. I sometimes feel like one of those variety acts that try to keep all the plates spinning on the top of long sticks. That's what life can be like, as I'm sure you will understand.
Now I'm listening to "Au Fond du Temple Saint....(The Pearl Fishers) by Bizet. So beautiful.
Universal are still saying my early albums are in the pipeline. Record Companies!!
I found Joni Mitchell's' Travelogue in an airport shop recently. What a wonderful way to present an album. I wonder if you have experienced it? It reminds me that we all have so much more to do.
Ch'i likes; brightness, harmony, order, curves, cleanliness, tidiness, order, tranquility, peace and good taste.
If only I would listen to my own ramblings!
Lots of love,