Sat, Jun 01, 02
From Justin: Midsummers Day
June 2002
After working in the studio, finishing up the tracks that have been recorded over the last few months, and remastering the solo albums, I'm on my way to Cleveland this week for the benefit organized by my friend Mark Plotkin of the Amazon Conservation Team, and then to the Hall of Fame master class the next evening, the 21st. I must say I'm finding the thought of playing for so many wise and distinguished guests daunting, but hope the songs and some friendly faces on familiar fans will see me through.
June 21st has always been a special day for me, because although it seems to be no longer regarded as Midsummers day in many countries, it is the longest day of the year and was celebrated in country villages, like the one in which I spent much of my childhood, Bourton, with bowling (to win a pig would you believe; many country people kept pigs in that part of England) and with dancing, Maypoles, cake and cookery prizes and fun for all in the village square. It is one of my most enduring memories of childhood.
Our British tour was Fab! for me and although nerveracking at the time, looking back it was artistically and emotionaly very rewarding. I was so thrilled to sing Forever Autumn every night (except Ipswich; two shows straight through) as the song is so great to sing and a real favourite with the British audiences. Greame and Ray were most encouraging and I thank them very much for that (Greame said I was the best support act for a second half we have ever had). It meant a lot to me and it was lovely to see Gordon able to display some of the other talants he has apart from drums.
The bus travel was a bit draining but how can one possibly complain when so many fans did the tour with us (maybe we should travel with them), and everywhere we went there were faces that I look forward to seeing whenever we we come to the UK to tour. I would love to do more gigs there (if only the British gigs could get a decent dressing room together). But I had such a lot of fun and met guests at every gig, and I thank them for thier support and encouragement too.
Some of you may know by now (you always seem to know first) that I am performing at Salonika in Greece the 8th-9th July with Mario Frangoulis who has done a brilliant version of Nights. What an adventure! I have never been to Greece and so me and Danilo Madonia will be packing our bags and chord sheets and heading out there .
I hope in the summer to give some more time to this (thanks to Jem) website, when I slow down a bit and I thank you for your love and interest.