Sat, May 01, 04
From Justin: Bittersweet seasons
May 2004
I'm on my way to start another tour as I write this, and as usual it is bitter sweet in that it would be so nice to stay and watch Spring turn to Summer, and feel the warmth of the sun get stronger. Sweet because I love to play, and every tour just reminds me of why, as a child I suppose, I was drawn to this business.
The solo albums 'Songwriter' and 'Nightflight', with some as yet unreleased tracks, as well as 'Blue Jays', are I believe available again now, at least Universal have sent me a copy of each. 'Songwriter' catalogue number; Decca 00422 8822832 5. 'Nightflight' catalogue number; Decca 00422 8822822 6. 'Blue Jays' catalogue number; Decca 00422 88288220 0.
Some of you may have heard a live music programme I took part in recently called 'Jammin' on B.B.C. Radio 2 on which I sang a few songs and played acoustic and electric guitar. I have not had so much fun for a long time. It was broadcast twice around the end of April. If you find it on the Internet you'll be amused. Long live live music. It was a thrill for me to play alongside Richard Vrance from 'Whose Line Is It Anyway', as well as Roland Rivron and the rest of the 'Jammin' Band.
The solo concert from the Cleveland Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, plus some songs recorded at a studio in New York and some old footage will be out on a DVD soon.
Universal are intending to release some forgotten never before released tracks in the near future I believe. I've heard it and it sounds good.
Maybe I'll see you on the road.
Love Justin
Here is a quote I found by Oscar Wilde;
"After playing Chopin, I feel as If I had been weeping over sins that I had never committed, and mourning over tragedies that were not my own. Music always seems to me to produce that effect. It creates for one a past of which one has been ignorant, and fills one with a sense of sorrows that have been hidden from one's tears. I can fancy a man who had led a perfectly commonplace life, hearing by chance some curious piece of music and suddenly discovering that his soul, without his being conscious of it, had passed through terrible experiences, and known fearful joys, or wild romantic loves, or great renunciations."