Message of Thanks and Good Vibes
I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who attended our shows on the latest USA tour.
After all the twists and turns that were thrown our way, it turned out to be the happiest and most fulfilling tour for us all. I would especially thank the dedicated, precious fans whose presence lifts us up, and those - well - those who just like this music. They bring the magic into each and every venue that gives Julie, Mike, Karmen and myself the spark. Without you it would be just a nice 'sound check'! Hooray!
And a very special thanks to all who made the rescheduled shows in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Knoxville and Birmingham. Thank goodness you were able to be there with us. They turned out to be brilliant nights.
My deep gratitude for all the messages of congratulation on the honour of an O.B.E. given by Her Majesty The Queen's in her birthday Honours list. I am privileged. Music makes the world an even more beautiful place.