Letter From Justin re: OK Concerts
I can’ tell you how sorry we are to have had to cancel some gigs on our tour. My deepest apologies – and know that we will be back one day to play – and that I will be back singing soon.
I had a sore throat through both Washington gigs (they both asked us back by the way – so see you next year) and I had a vicious tickle up in the larynx (have you ever been tickled viciously in the larynx madame?) (schoolboy joke!)
I tried every natural remedy, pill or potion known to man or woman, including an exorcising dance round the hotel room – to no avail.
Monday morning I awoke as a ‘silent Justin’ (how my dear parents would have loved it? – especially if it had included my brother) – But it was downhill from there. Even tour manager Udo had to come to my door and lip-read!! A phone was useless.
So – I went to a voice doc. After a full endoscopy he reminded me that some damage had been done to my vocal chords when I half sang and ‘half spoke’ through a Moodies tour a few years ago – bad move!! Now I must not even try to sing until this has moved on – “I hope it won’t be very Long”.
We are not worried, just very sad – and – we’ll be back soon – I intend to be on stage again on Friday 3rd June in Dallas.
Thank you so much for your patience.
Once again, my deepest apologies to all who bought tickets in OK – we will see you one day for a great show.
My love to you all,
June 2016